Thursday, December 17, 2009

Acai Berry Products Containing Viagra Compound Found

As unbelievable as it may appear the latest scam being peddled by manufacturers of fake medications involves adding powerful prescription chemicals to products claiming to contain extracts of the much overhyped acai berry. Incredibly the prescription chemicals are not for weight loss, [which the acai berry is supposed to induce] but the powerful active ingredient of the impotence medicine Viagra, namely Sildenafil.

Acai Berry Products Containing Viagra Compound Found

The warnings which were put out by the medical authorities in Canada specified that the use of Sildenafil in the wrong people could cause serious side effects especially in those people who are using other medications to treat blood pressure problems. They said that the Acai berry products were not only advertised as promoting weight loss but even youthfulness!

The list of products tested by Health Canada included: Anti-Aging, Brazilian Pure, Acai Berry, Guarana Blast, Anti-aging Vital Rez V, Weight Loss VitalAcai, Muscle Mass and Dietary Supplement Acai Power Blast. From our research at Ukmedix News we are aware that there are thousands of similar products containing chemicals which should be avoided and thus our advice is to only use products for weight loss for erectile dysfunction which have been prescribed to you by a doctor.

The Acai Berry is probably the most fraudulently hyped product on the internet today with thousands of products claiming to contain extracts of it. While the Acai Berry is full of healthy vitamin C and antioxidants there is nothing in it which is better than eating a few apples or oranges. Thinking that you can lose weight or look younger by eating a few berries is ridiculous and you should avoid any product which claims to do that.

At Ukmedix News we believe the manufacturers of these products should be given long prison sentences and hefty fines because their products are not just misinforming the public but also put them at serious danger from heart attacks, strokes and even death.

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